Curriculum Vitae

Tod Schneider

Eugene, Oregon, USA

Cell:  541-543-1774

Safe School Design, LLC


Professional Summary

Over the past 38 years I’ve developed broad expertise in Crime Prevention, emphasizing two areas:

(1) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and (2) Personal Safety.

Concentrated professional niches within those fields have included schools, social services, home visitations and homeless shelters. Much of my work has included extensive research and writing. I have recently expanded into Expert Witness work as well.

Additional Information

I served for 28 years with the Eugene, Oregon Police Department as a Crime Prevention Specialist, and an overlapping 24 years as a school safety consultant, emphasizing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). I’ve conducted over 120 public school inspections nationwide, including schools in Tennessee, Colorado, Florida and Oregon that had survived shootings. My services were provided under the auspices of the Eugene Police Department, the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, as an independent consultant (Safe School Design LLC), and as an Adjunct Analyst with Safe Havens International (SHI). I retired from EPD in 2015, but continue to inspect schools nationwide.

An additional career thread over the years from 1983 to the present included serving as a volunteer, educator, crisis counselor, board member and agency director in social service agencies, tackling alcoholism, addiction, mental illness, homelessness, and domestic violence, and serving diverse groups including refugees, the Latino community and veterans. Recent examples include a one-year special assignment with the City Manager’s Office as a Veterans Homelessness Analyst, (successfully advocating for and housing over 365 veterans in 2015) and as an interim agency director for an innovative homeless shelter program from 2020 to 2022.

I have extensive formal research and writing experience, including as the senior author of Safe School Design; A Handbook for Educational Leaders—Applying the Principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (2000), and as a contributing chapter author for Extreme Violence; Understanding and Protecting People From Active Assailants, Hate Crimes and Terrorist Attacks (2021). I’ve also written dozens of grants, and published dozens of school safety related articles, as well as qualitative field research papers on natural disaster survivors in Haiti and Syrian diaspora refugees in Greece. Safe School Design was the first textbook to be published in the U.S. that applied Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) exclusively to schools. My extensive template on crisis planning for people with special needs, produced for Broward County, led to a series of articles on Creating Emergency Plans for Students with Disabilities, published by Campus Safety Magazine in 2019.

(A more extensive listing of my publications can be found on page 12.)


School Safety Consultant. Adjunct Analyst, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Schools and facilities (MPS) with Safe Havens International, 2023.

Expert Witness, Franke, Schultz & Mullen Attorneys, Kansas City, Missouri. Relevant topics included: Premises Liability, Weapons, Homicide, Crime Prevention, Eviction, Search and Seizure, Social Services, and Mental Health. 2022

School Safety Consultant. Adjunct Analyst, Indianapolis Public Schools, Indiana, with Safe Havens International. 2022

Safety Consultant, 1990 to present. I have provided consulting, research, writing, presentations and training services addressing:

–Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (C.P.T.E.D.), and Safe, Healthy and Positive Environmental Design (S.H.A.P.E.D.) for Social Services, Shelters, Schools, Parks and other Public Spaces, and

–Confrontation Management and Personal safety for:

Government, Commercial, School and Office settings

Home Visitors (including outreach, teachers, medical staff, utility, and social workers)

Public Spaces (including streets, parks and bike paths)

Social services (including shelters and mental health agencies)

 (An extensive listing of presentations and groups served can be found on pages 8-12)

An additional career thread over the years from 1983 to the present included serving as a volunteer, educator, crisis counselor, board member and agency director in social service agencies, tackling alcoholism, addiction, mental illness, homelessness, and domestic violence, and serving diverse groups including refugees, the Latino community and veterans. Recent examples include a one-year special assignment with the City Manager’s Office as a Veterans Homelessness Analyst, (successfully advocating for and housing over 365 veterans in 2015) and as an interim agency director for an innovative homeless shelter program from 2020 to 2022.

Homelessness Consultant, Agency Director and Grant Writer 2015-2022

Since its inception, I have served Community Supported Shelters in a handful of roles at different times, including as a Board Member, Executive Director, Grant Writer, Advocate and Consultant. In the fall of 2020, I was recruited to simultaneously serve as grant writer and interim Executive Director. While playing both roles I landed over $1 million in government contracts, along with $150,000 in grants, empowering us to build and staff 5 new Safe Spot communities in 5 months. This project doubled our budget, tripled our employee base, and currently shelters over 120 people. During this period I consulted to a wide variety of groups about developing their own shelter programs in Minnesota, Oregon, Michigan, Kansas, Washington, California, Canada and Australia.

Refugee Advocate, 2016 to present. (Volunteer)

I’ve served as an advocate, ambassador, host and friend for Afghani, Syrian and Central American refugees upon their arrival in the United States, assisting with cultural adaptation and guiding them through the asylum process. I helped establish the Oregon Community Asylum Network in 2016.

Safe, Healthy and Positive Schools Consultant, 1998 to present.

I’ve offered school safety consulting for over 24 years, initially integrated into my police department prevention work as well as independently. Increasingly I have worked on major projects with Safe Havens International, inspecting and advising some of the largest school districts in the country. Some of the schools served had recently undergone traumatic shooting incidents, in Tennessee, Colorado, Florida and Oregon. The core of my approach is built on basic and advanced concepts of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)—natural surveillance, natural access control, territoriality, and connectivity.

Resident storyteller, 1998 to 2018. (Volunteer)

I ran an interactive storytelling workshop for 2nd-3rd graders that wove safe, healthy, and positive life tips into storytelling, at the Family School, a public K-8 school in Eugene, Oregon.

Veterans Homelessness Analyst, City Manager’s Office, Eugene, Oregon 10/2014 to 12/2015.

Selected for this special, limited duration assignment, I coordinated city, county, federal, public, and private resources to end homelessness for veterans in our area by the end of 2015. As Operation 365, we aimed to house 365 veterans in one year, and succeeded in housing 404 men and women.

International researcher, 2015 to 2017

As a Senior Research Partner with InterSCT (Interprofessional Studio for Complexity Thinking), I visited various Haitian institutions, including schools, an orphanage, and a nursing home, and conducted qualitative research on-site. Our research results were published as Starting From Zero: An Exploration of Contemporary Issues in Haiti in the Spring of 2017.

The following year, we flew to Athens, Greece, where we worked with Lifting Hands International to document the plight of Syrian refugees. Our joint research paper, A Conversation with Calamity; Shedding light on the plight of Syrian refugees, was published in the Spring, 2016.

InterSCT is a human-centered, inquiry-based, multi-dimensional research partnership.

Community Service Officer/ Crime Prevention Specialist, Eugene Police Department, 1986 to 2014. Commendations for Leadership in Diversity and Safe Schools projects.

Violence prevention instructor. Chavez Elementary, Patterson Family School, Academy of Arts and Technology, River Road Elementary, Pearl Buck Pre-school. Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum instructor, singer, songwriter, performer. (2003-2014)

Prevention Specialist/ Field Training Officer. Extensive lecturing on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, violence theory and hope building, confrontation management, school safety, community revitalization, urban growth and public safety, workplace violence, women’s safety, seniors, child safety, robbery, burglary, shoplifting and related topics. I often provided related staff training.

Consultant, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Surveyed public and private facilities, including businesses, civic buildings and public spaces. Coordinated and instructed in various settings and conferences, including Safe Communities conference and ICA conference (ongoing). Surveyed all schools in three Oregon districts under a federal Safe Schools grant

Training coordinator and lead instructor, SWIT (School Whatever It Takes) Academy. This model 7-week boot camp was created under a federal Safe Schools grant, to train school-based crime prevention specialists in working with high-risk children. (2000)

Housing Project prevention coordinator. Funded by HUD to provide prevention services to subsidized housing complexes, I established and ran the Saturday Great Kids Club. Mentoring, problem solving, role modeling. (1999)

Founder/editor, Community Safety Quarterly. C.S.Q. provided in-depth articles on community policing and underlying social issues. (1987-1992)

Coordinator, helping to establish the Whiteaker Public Safety Station, Eugene’s first neighborhood-based sub-station. (1990-1991)

Research, analysis, writing, editing and design work on a variety of public information and in-house projects.

Adjunct Professor / Guest Lecturer, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon: Progressive Crime Prevention, Roots of Violence, Seeds of Hope,  Substance Abuse Program, University of Oregon.2002 -2003.

Writing Counselor, University of Oregon Learning Center (1981-1982)

Communication Specialist, Central Lane Communications (9-1-1) Call-taker. Police, fire and medical emergencies. (1985 – 1987)

Community Educator, Lane County Council on Alcoholism, Eugene. (1983 – 1985) Lecturing and writing; alcoholism and other substance abuse related topics.

Agency Director, White Bird Clinic, Eugene. (1980 – 1982). Coordinating social service agency, providing crisis intervention, counseling, medical, legal, information and referral.

Crisis Counselor, White Bird Clinic, Eugene (1976 – 1979) Over the course of a few years I worked my way up from volunteering to serving as a salaried crisis worker. This involved mobile crisis response services on the streets or in people’s homes. This evolved over the years. Ultimately, a partnership was launched with the City of Eugene in 1989 that has become a national model: Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets (CAHOOTS) .

Board of Directors, International CPTED Association 2000-2002.

Board of Directors, Womenspace domestic violence agency 2002-2010.

Board of Directors, Halfway House Services, mental health facility 2000-2015.

Board of Directors, Community Supported Shelters 2015-2018

Chair, Child and Family Violence subcommittee, Lane County Domestic Violence Council, 2004-2010.

School, school architects, and other education-related groups served included:

  • Alsea school district (OR)
  • 4j Schools (OR)
  • Arizona Juvenile Justice Association (AZ)
  • Arizona State University Design School (AZ)
  • Atlanta Public Schools (GA)
  • Bend LaPine School District (OR)
  • Bethel School District (OR)
  • Broward County Schools, with Safe Havens International (FL)
  • California Department of Education (CA)
  • Campbell County HS (TN)
  • College Planning and Management (MD)
  • Confederation of School Administrators (OR)
  • Fielding Nair International (MN)
  • Fulton County Public Schools (GA)
  • Hamilton-Fish Institute (DC)
  • High Desert Educational Service District (OR)
  • Hillsborough School District (FL)
  • Indianapolis Schools (IN)
  • Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior (OR)
  • Jackson State University (MS)
  • La Reference school (Haiti)
  • Lane County Criminal Justice Training Alliance (OR)
  • Lane County Domestic Violence Council (OR)
  • Lane Educational Service District (OR)
  • Linn Benton Lincoln ESD (OR)
  • Littleton Schools (CO)
  • Men nan Men school (Haiti)
  • Milwaukee Public Schools (WI)
  • National Center for Safer Schools
  • National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (DC)
  • North Thurston Schools (WA)
  • Northwest Regional Education Labs (OR)
  • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
  • Orange County School District (FL)
  • Oregon Department of Education (OR)
  • Orlando schools (FL)
  • Pasco schools (WA)
  • Safe Havens International (GA)
  • School Planning and Management (MD)
  • Springfield Schools (OR)
  • U.S. Department of Education (DC)

 Non-school related groups included:

  • American Institute of Architects (OR)
  • Crime Prevention Association of Oregon (OR)
  • Department of Homeland Security (DC)
  • Department of Justice (OR)
  • Eugene Police Dept. (OR)
  • Halfway House Services (OR)
  • International Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Association (ICA)
  • Kansas Advisory Group (KS)
  • Koch Crime Institute (KS)
  • Oregon Recreation and Parks Assoc. (OR)
  • Oregon Employers’ Council (OR)
  • Performance Institute (VA)
  • Professional Development Network (OR)
  • Tahoe Coalition of Recreation Providers (CA)
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DC)
  • U.S. Forest Service (OR)
  • University of Oregon (OR)
  • Vanir Construction Management, (CA)
  • Western Community Policing Institute (OR)

More detailed documentation on projects, presentations and consultations:

Adjunct Analyst, Milwaukee Public Schools (Greenfield Montessori Elementary, Carmen High School, James Fennimore Cooper Elementary, Ronald Reagan High School, Grant Gordon Learning Center, North Division Multi-Plex, Lancaster Elementary, Northwest Secondary Multi-Plex, William George Bruce Elementary, Morse Middle School, Milwaukee Sign Language Elementary, Benjamin Franklin Elementary, Rufus King International High School, AE Burdick K8, Howard Elementary Montessori, Congress Extended Elementary, Ben Carson Academy, Vincent Stadium, Custer Stadium, Pulaski Stadium, South Stadium, Hampton Service Center, Central Services, Special Services, 39th Street Building Operations, Delaware Service Center, Survive Alive (fire education), and 7th Street Storage and Garage) with Safe Havens International, February-March 2023.

Expert Witness, Franke, Schultz & Mullen, Kansas City, MO. Cummins v. ReDiscover et al. May 2022 to present. Civil action, homicide.

Adjunct Analyst, Indiana Public Schools, (Anna Brochhausen Elementary, Arlington Middle School, Ernie Pyle Elementary, Floro Torrence Elementary, George Washington High, James Russell Lowell Elementary, Lew Wallace Elementary, Meredith Nicholson Elementary, Robert Lee Frost Elementary, Stephen Foster Elementary, and Wendell Phillips Elementary schools) with Safe Havens International, October 2022.

High Desert School District, Bend/Redmond, OR. CPTED consultation/inspections for Administrative and SPED facility. August 22-25, 2022.

Winston High School, Winston-Dillard School District, OR. CPTED consultation on mural placement. July 2022.

Cascade Health, OR — Home visit safety consult. July 2022.

Community Supported Shelters Five-site expansion. This tripled our capacity for sheltering the homeless, with 137 Conestoga Huts built in our Safe Spot communities throughout the city. Eugene, OR 2020-2022

Halfway House security assessment. Under contract with Lane County, HHS shelters people dealing with chronic mental illness who have been released from the state mental hospital. Security measures were needed to deter ex-residents and other intruders from taking advantage of the facilities. Eugene, OR 2021

Adjunct Analyst, examining all aspects of school safety.  Fulton County Public Schools, GA., with Safe Havens International, 2019

Adjunct Analyst, Atlanta Public Schools, GA., with Safe Havens International, 2019

Adjunct Analyst, Pasco, Washington, with Safe Havens International 2/4/19-3/16/19

Adjunct Analyst, North Thurston schools, with Safe Havens International, Lacey, Washington. 3/25/ 2019.

Security consultation, Mt. Pisgah/Buford Park staff. Mt. Pisgah is a key conservation and wilderness area that sponsors major gatherings throughout the year. Training focused on prevention, staff safety and crisis response protocols throughout the site. Lane County, OR 2018

School risk scenario interviews and youth focus groups. Working with Safe Havens International, we served hundreds of schools in the 6th largest school district in the nation. Broward County, FL  2018.

Men Nan Men site visit, post-earthquake surveying, on developing a health sciences campus, with InterSCT consulting and Foundation for Peace. Port au Prince, Haiti 9/2015.

Veterans Homelessness Analyst. Facilitating housing searches for over 400 veterans in Lane County OR 10/2014 to 12/2015

Post-Incident Review Arapahoe High School Active-Shooter, , team member with Safe Havens International. Littleton, CO 2014-2015

Workplace Violence, Oregon Department of Human Services, Eugene, OR 10/14/2015-10/15/2015

Storytelling and Connectivity presentation, Oregon School Psychologists Association. Medford OR 10/8/2015

CPTED, Construction Specifications Institute. Eugene, OR 09/27/2015

Thesis Jury Consultant, on Bullying and Design, Arizona State University Design School, Phoenix, AZ 5/2015

Confrontation Management for Mental Health Group Homes, Halfway House Services. Short staffing left overnight staff particularly vulnerable and in need of safety training. Eugene, OR 5/2015

Workplace safety seminar. Staff requested training for dealing with distraught family members. Willamette Valley Cancer Institute. Eugene, OR 10/2014

Comprehensive School Inspection projects, in conjunction with Safe Havens International. Orlando, Fl 3/2014, Bend LaPine schools 9/2014

School Safety presentation, Indiana Department of Education, IN May 5, 2014

Security consulting, Oregon Ice Cream Co., Eugene, OR 06/17/2014

Security consulting, Mountain Rose Herbs, Eugene, Or 2/25/2014

Keynote speech, Personal Safety, Northwest Credit Unions Association. Springfield, OR 1/16/2014

Confrontation Management, Lane County employees. Staff requested training on dealing with difficult people. Eugene, OR 1/23/2014

Security Consultation, Willamette Family Treatment Services (WFTS). WFTS is a 24/7 primary detox facility that regularly works with people who are intoxicated or in various stages of withdrawal. Eugene, OR 2014

CPTED consult, (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design), Eugene Hearing and Speech. EHS was concerned about staff safety in general. Eugene, OR 1/7/2014

Confrontation Management, Head Start. Staff were concerned about dysfunctional family issues, including custody disputes, that would spill over at the facility. Eugene, OR 2013

CPTED consult, MLK Education Center, Serbu Juvenile Justice Center. Serbu is the main Juvenile Justice secure facility in Lane County. Eugene, OR 2013

Personal Safety, US Bank, Eugene, OR 2013

CPTED consult, Bethel school district, OR 2013

Confrontation Management Training. Staff requested training on personal safety while traveling to and from work, as well as throughout the workday. Trillium Healthcare, Eugene, OR 1/18/13

Workplace violence strategies presentation, American Society of Safety Engineers, Springfield, OR 01/15/13

CPTED consult. Preventive consult on safe design considerations for storefronts. Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) Springfield, OR 01/15/13

School CPTED consult, Life Lutheran Elementary School, Eugene, OR 01/19/13

Security consult, Lane County Historical Museum, Eugene, OR 01/03/13

Confrontation Management, Balzhiser Engineering, Eugene, OR 11/07/12

Confrontation Management, Serenity Lane, Eugene, OR 2/24/11 and  10/23/12

Personal Safety,  Children with Disabilities, Springfield, OR 10/24/12

Confrontation Management, Dept. Human Services, Springfield, OR 09/11/12

Confrontation Management, Lane Co. Public Health, Eugene, OR 08/30/12

Park Safety consult. Park workers requested guidance on handling encounters with homeless people sleeping on the riverbanks and throughout the parks. Eugene, OR 08/23/12

Confrontation Management. Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) workers requested guidance on safety measures for meter readers. Eugene, OR 08/07/12

CPTED consult. Input was requested on landscaping decisions, balancing personal safety with environmental considerations. Whilamut Nature Reserve, Eugene, OR 07/06/12

Confrontation Management, Medical Office Assistants Assoc., Eugene, OR 06/21/12

Confrontation Management for utility workers. Staff often found themselves in isolated locations without co-workers nearby for assistance. Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB). Leaburg, OR 06/20/12

Confrontation Management, ISTE, Eugene, OR 06/08/12

Confrontation Management, Legal Aid, Eugene, OR 04/11/12

CPTED consult, Blood bank, Eugene, OR 04/03/12

Confrontation Management, Halfway House Services (HHS), Eugene, OR 03/22/12

CPTED review, UO Architecture program, Eugene, OR 03/16/12

CPTED consult, focused on staff and client safety in Sheltercare, a family shelter program. Springfield, OR 02/29/12

School safety, Montessori, Eugene, OR 02/28/12

School safety, NW Youth Corps, Eugene, OR 02/22/12

Security consult. Heightened security was desired after anti-semitic attacks on the site. Temple Beth Israel, Eugene, OR 02/23/12

Internet safety. Families were alarmed about internet safety risks. St. Paul’s Catholic School. Eugene, OR 02/02/12

West University neighborhood project/SafeCascadia group, Eugene, OR 2012

School Design presentation, NSSEA Conference, San Antonio, TX 2011

Holladay Park inspection. Portland city officials requested a CPTED inspection to address street confrontations and crime near a major mass transit station. Portland, OR 07/22/ 2011-10/27/2011

School CPTED inspections, Linn-Benton-Lincoln County Educational Service District 2009-2011.

Confrontation Management, Oregon Affordable Housing Management Association, May 25, 2010

Next-Generation School Safety, International Conference on Safe Schools Design,, International School Safety Convention,  Johnson and Wales University/ Denver, CO. April 21-23, 2010.

/Confrontation Management and Personal Safety, Lane County Human Resources, OR March 29, 2010

New School Security Technology and Mass Notification for Universities briefing papers, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, (quarterly updates, 2008 to 2010) Washington, DC.

Confrontation Management for Parks Workers, ORPA. Eugene, OR 01/30/2008

Confrontation Management for Parks Workers, Eugene Public Works, Eugene, OR 03/05/2008

Personal Safety, SAIF. Eugene, OR 05/21/09

Personal Safety, Pacific Continental Bank. Eugene, OR 06/09/09

CPTED, Trainsong Park Neighborhood, Health Policy Research NW, Eugene, OR 2009

Personal Safety for Medical workers, Cascade Health Solutions OR 2009, 2018

Women’s Safety, Women in Construction, Eugene, OR 03/05/2008

Confrontation Management for Landlords, Eugene, OR 03/20/2008

CPTED analysis, Eugene Hearing and Speech Center, Eugene, OR 03/04/2008

CPTED consult. Staff were concerned about safety for students while working in the wilderness. Northwest Youth Corps. Eugene, OR 02/21/08

Child abuse disclosure trainer, Head Start, Eugene, OR 02/12/08

Security coordination, Project Homeless Connect, OR 02/07/2008

Writer, New School Security Technology, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, Washington, DC 2/2008.

School Safety and Security Workshops, School Planning and Management and College Planning and Management magazines, Baltimore, MD 11/2007

Workplace violence, SAIF, Eugene, OR 11/15/2007

Hamilton Fish Annual Meeting, School Safety, Washington, D.C. 10/30/2007

Intensive School CPTED training, Indianapolis, IN 10/17/2007

Confrontation Management for medical facilities. Staff were concerned about agitated clients seeking opiates. Pain Management Associates. Eugene, OR 10/03/07

Confrontation Management, National Association of Housing Officials, Eugene, OR 09/19/2007

Confrontation Management, Eugene Parks Maintenance. Eugene, OR 08/29/2007

Consultant, Community Summit on School to Jail Pipeline, OJJDP/ Hamilton Fish Institute. New Orleans, LA 08/07/2007

Editor, School Safety and Technology Guide, Northwest Regional Education labs, Portland, OR 2007

School Crisis Response Trainer, Safe and Drug Free Schools national conference for annual grant recipients. San Antonio, TX 2007

Confrontation Management, Valley West Nursing Home 06/08/2007

Park safety and Pedophiles. Related training was requested by park staff. Eugene, OR 06/06/2007

Confrontation Management, Employers’ Council of Oregon. Eugene, OR 05/09/2007

CPTED analysis, SERBU juvenile corrections facility. Eugene, OR 05/03/2007

CPTED, Crime Prevention Association of Oregon. Newport, OR 04/24/2007

Realtor Safety, Windemere Realtors. Eugene, OR 04/13/2007

Confrontations Management for outreach workers, Options state conference, Salem, OR 03/09/2007.

Confrontation Management, Oregon State Employment Division. Eugene, OR 02/15/2007

Security coordination, Project Homeless Connect. Eugene, OR 02/08/2007

1999-2006 projects:

Comprehensive week-long CPTED boot camp, Hillsborough County School District police, Tampa, FL 08/11/2006

Consultant to Department of Homeland Security & U.S. Department of Education Safe and Drug Free Schools, peer review of Vulnerability/Needs Assessment ( ViSAT) School Safety Assessment tool, Washington, D.C. 10/31/2006

Consultant and Editor, Safe School Facilities Checklist project, for National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, National Institute of Buildings, Washington, D.C.

CPTED inspection, Alsea 7J School district, OR

CPTED inspection, Campbell County High, TN Conducted assessment for National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. CPTED and management weaknesses contributed to a fatal school shooting. 2006.

CPTED inspection, Lane School, OR

Editor, “Witnessing Violence” lesson card, Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum, Lane County Domestic Violence Council, OR

Editor, Teacher’s Guide to Reporting Child Abuse, Lane County Domestic Violence Council, OR.

Presenter, CPTED fundamentals, Vanir CM, Universal City, CA

Presenter, Oregon Employers’ Council, Confrontation Management and Motivational Communication seminars, OR

Presenter, Performance Institute Safe Schools Summit, Arlington, VA.

Confrontation Management, Association of Oregon Counties.

Contributing writer, School Administrator magazine. May 2005

Contributing author, Safe and Healthy Schools, (Oxford Press) Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 2003

Keynote Speaker: Building Hope. Tools for Advocacy Conference. Eugene, OR

Cross-cultural and Special Needs Briefing Book, Eugene Police Department, Eugene, OR

Bike Path Design, Lake Tahoe Bicycle Trail Symposium, CA 10/20/1999-10/21/1999


Schneider, T. Third Generation CPTED in Homeless Communities, International Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (ICA) Newsletter. May-August 2022.

Schneider, T., R. Leslie Nichols CPP, and Phuong Nguyen. Contributing Chapter Co-Author, Chapter 4; Vulnerabilities of Critical Infrastructure; Extreme Violence – Understanding and Protecting People from Active Assailant, Hate Crimes and Terrorist Attacks. 494-page university textbook and guide for practitioners. Cognella, January 2021

Schneider, T. Next Level Crisis Planning for Students with Disabilities, Part 3 of 3. Campus Safety Magazine, December 18, 2019.

Schneider, T. Conducting Site Assessments for Students with Disabilities, part 2 of 3. Campus Safety Magazine, December 16, 2019.

Schneider, T. Creating Emergency Plans for Students with Disabilities, part 1 of 3. Campus Safety Magazine, October 7, 2019.

Schneider, T., Shraiky, J., Patchin, W. Starting From Zero: An Exploration of Contemporary Issues in Haiti, Journal of Health and Human Experience Spring 2017 (Vol 3 No 1).

Schneider, T., U.S. turning its back on desperate refugees, The Register-Guard, April 12, 2017.

Schneider, T., Temporary shelter program has been a success, The Register-Guard, August 31, 2016

Shraiky, J., Wofford, D. and Schneider, T., Conversations with Calamity, Shedding Light on the Plight of Syrian Refugees, Journal of Health and the Human Experience, Spring 2016 (Vol 2 # 1)

Schneider, T. School shootings defy simple solutions. Register Guard newspaper guest commentary November 14, 2015

Schneider T. Safe School Design blog, 2013 – 2019.

Schneider T. Security Camera tips, Safe Havens International newsletter 2015.

Schneider T. 8-Point School Inspection Checklist, Campus Safety Magazine, January 15, 2013.

Schneider T. Self-inspections for Schools, Campus Safety newsletter, January 2013.

Schneider T. Mass Notification for Universities. 2008 – present (quarterly updates). Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities.

Schneider T. New School Security Technologies. . Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. 2008 – present (quarterly updates)

Schneider T. Safe School Design and Security Technology; Web-based Technical Assistance Guide. Portland, Oregon: National Resource Center for Safe Schools. 2003.

Schneider T. Safe School Design and Security Technology; Web-based Technical Assistance Guide.. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University. 2008

Schneider T. Safe School Facilities Checklist, Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. 2007.

Schneider T. Creating Safer School Facilities, Virginia: State Education Standard, the Journal of the National Association of State Boards of Education (pp. 17-23). 07/2006

Schneider T. Transcending Violence. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford Press. 2002.

Schneider T. Community Safety Quarterly, Eugene, OR: City of Eugene. 1987-1993.

Schneider T. Violence and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Frumkin H, Geller R, Rubin IL, Nodvin J. Safe and Healthy Schools, N.Y.: Oxford Press (pp. 251-269). 2006.

Schneider, T. Essential Questions to Raise During a Building Project. The School Administrator, AASA’s monthly magazine for school system leaders. May 2005.

Schneider T. ERIC Digest: School Security Technology. OR: ERIC Clearinghouse. 2001

Schneider T., Walker H., Sprague J. Safe School Design. OR: ERIC Clearinghouse.  2000.

Schneider T., Bike Path Phobia. Seattle, WA: Parks and Recreation Magazine (pp. 20-28) August 2000.

Schneider T., Bike Path Phobia.. Landahl M, ed. Om CPTED, Belysning och Brottsforebyggande I Parkmilio. Stockholm, Sweden: Crimiknowledge Forlag.  February 2000


M.S., Journalism, University of Oregon, Honors society, 1982-83

B.S., Community Service and Public Affairs, University of Oregon, 1976-81

Workshops and Continuing Education

Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents. FEMA is360. On-line course. September 2022.

International CPTED Association (ICA) Webinar: CPTED Guidebook For Schools. August 18, 2022.

Building Relationships in Crisis Response: How Human Service Organizations Can Cultivate Community Partnerships to Improve Client Outcomes. Relias Webinars. April 28, 2022.

Ethics for Health and Mental Health Care Workers, Pacific Source webinar, Paul Cooney, Attorney at Law, Oregon April 22, 2022

Trauma-Informed Care seminar, Trauma Healing Center, Oregon 2021

Introduction to Motivational Interviewing, Fulop MI Training, Oregon August 24-26, 2016

Law Enforcement Data System Certification, Inquiry Entry Recertification. January 29, 2015.

Active Shooter: What You Can Do. FEMA Emergency Management Institute, on-line Independent Study course IS-00907. January 31, 2014.

Ongoing monthly police training, EPD 1984-2014

Law Enforcement Data System Certification, Inquiry Entry Recertification. January 31, 2013.

Forensic Evidence Collection in child sexual assault cases, State of Oregon 2013

Evidence –based practices in Juvenile Corrections, Ed Latessa 2007

Jewelry and Gem Identification, EPD 2007

Campus Safety Conference, Portland, OR 2007

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, EPD 2007

Adolescent Brain, Michael Nerney 2007

School Security Technology, Selectron 2007

First Aid refresher course, EPD 2007

Framework for Understanding Poverty, Ruby Payne materials, Lane Educational Service District. September 28, October 12, November 2, November 30 , 2006.

SWIS, School-wide Information Systems 2007

Learning Structures. Lane Educational Service District.  Multiple sessions, 2007

Targeting Meth, Building a Vision for a Drug Free Community 2006

Safe Streets Safe Communities ICA Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada 2006

Firearms safety and handling procedures, Eugene Police. April 20, 2005

Video Production, Metro TV 2005

Crucial Confrontations seminar, with Joseph Grenny 2005

PBS Individual, School Improvement, Lane Educational Service District. January 20, 2005

PBS Individual, School Improvement, Lane Educational Service District. October 13, 2004

Sexual Assault Victim Interviewing and Sexual Assault Crime Scene Response, Advanced Training Workshops for Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault Training Institute, Attorney General’s Task Force, Eugene, Oregon. December 10, 2004

CHAMPS Proactive Positive Classroom Management, Lane Educational Service District. November 12, 2004

Non-stranger Sexual Assault Response and Investigation” Law Enforcement Training on Adult and Adolescent Sexual Assault. Attorney General’s Task Force, Eugene, Oregon. December 8, 2004

Individual Student Systems Training/ Functional Assessment, LESD, 2004

Brain-based Learning, Jensen seminars 2004

Arab, Muslim, and Sikh cultural awareness for police 2004

Sexual assault investigation 2004

Probigua, Spanish language immersion school, Antigua, Guatemala August, 2003

Access Control Technology, A.S.I.S., AZ, 2000

International CPTED Association annual conference, 1998

Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum, Train the trainer intensive 1998

Effective Behavior support team workshop 1998

On Killing seminar, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman 1998

Domestic Violence legal update seminar 1998

Rotary sponsored ambassador to States of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, India, 1997

Photoshop training, 1996

National Coalition Building Institute training 1996

Advanced Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design,  National Crime Prevention Institute, Louisville, KY November 3 1995

Mesa Crime Free Multi-housing Program, Certified Instructor Trainer for National Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. Arizona. June 16, 1995.

Community Policing training, 1993-94

Certification of Completion, Community Service Officer, State of Oregon, Oregon State Apprenticeship and Training Council, April 29, 1993

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, w/Tim Crowe, Seattle, July 1, 1994

Spanish language studies, Sinaloa, Mexico, 1991

Supervision seminar, Management Associates 1991

Red Cross training, Introduction to Disaster Services, 1991

Graduate studies, Planning, Public Policy and Management, U.O., 1989

Refugees and the Law, Drugs and Gangs conferences, 1989

Crime Prevention School, BPST, State Police Academy, Monmouth, OR, 1988

Homelessness conference, Eugene, OR, 1988

Fire Prevention Education, National Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, MD, 1988

Western Regional Symposium, Child Abuse and Sexual Assault, 1987

Cross Cultural Communication, Dr. E.J. Nichols, Department of Justice 1987

Communication Specialist training: emergency medical dispatching, Law Enforcement

Data System, Criminal Intelligence, Water Rescue, CPR, Hazardous Materials, 1986

Martial arts, Aikido Zenshinkai, 1982-86

Relational Issues of Addiction conference, San Diego, CA, 1984


Hometown Human Rights Hero, in celebration of the 56th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, City of Eugene Human Rights Program, December 11, 2004

Citizen Recognition Award, “In recognition of the extraordinary progress toward the Eugene City Council goal of “Helping the homeless” through Project Homeless Connect.” Mayor Kitty Piercy, City of Eugene, April 9, 2007.

Class II Commendation, “In recognition of the work, initiative and foresight you put into designing a seven-week academy for the six Crime Prevention Specialists hired through the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grant.” Captain Thad Buchanan, Eugene Police Department. 2000.

Community Leadership Award, “With sincere appreciation for your dedicated commitment to the empowerment of the Latino community in Lane County.” Juan Carlos Valle, Centro Latino Americano. August 14, 2010

Certificate of Appreciation, “In recognition of his valuable contribution to the City of Eugene and community as a member of the Crime Prevention Unit.” Mayor Kitty Piercy. January 9, 2013.

International CPTED Association, member #187



Tod Schneider is one of the nation’s most knowledgeable experts in the field of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design for the school setting. I have had the great fortune to work on several projects with Tod and feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from this true master. Tod is also an excellent presenter who has a heart of gold, he is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met and a true gift to the field of school safety.

– Michael Dorn, Executive Director, Safe Havens International

I’ve worked with Tod Schneider on school safety issues for over a decade and regard him as the best school safety expert in the United States. His depth of experience, accessibility, reliability, and easy-going manner make working with him productive and fun. He is also author of the most comprehensive publications on school building safety technology extant today (see I recommend no one more highly than Tod.

– William A. Brenner, FAIA Former director, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, and Vice President, National Institute of Building Sciences

There are no dinosaurs. A meteor hit the earth and made a hole and they all fell in.

– 8 year old girl, Klamath Falls library

I have now had the opportunity to work with Tod Schneider on two separate projects involving dozens of schools in four counties in western Oregon over a period of years. His school safety assessment work has been of great value to our schools. He takes the time to understand each school environment and works closely with the building administrator. The reports that Tod produces are equally pragmatic and creative, very user-friendly, and consistently helpful in supporting schools as they take steps in becoming even safer places for children.

– Kathryn A. Henderson, Project Manager, Linn County Safe Schools Project, Linn Benton Lincoln ESD

Dear Tod, I love you and your stories. I am so happy that you are here.

– Elowyn, age 7

When it comes to Confrontation Management training, Tod’s trainings are consistently informative and entertaining; we keep bringing him back for repeat staff trainings. I recommend him without reservation!

– Chuck Hauk, Housing Director, Housing And Community Services Agency of Lane County (HACSA)

Our work centers on assessing community conditions, and empowering neighbors to advocate for healthy spaces for youth and their families. Tod worked with us on a two-year project in an underserved area in Eugene, OR. The project featured a special emphasis on the park and other public spaces in the neighborhood. Tod’s ability to incorporate crime prevention and public safety best practice with residents’ feedback, concerns and desires for improvement was exceptional, and resulted in moving the project forward on time, achieving excellent results.

– Laurie Trieger, Executive Director, Lane Coalition for Healthy Active Youth (LCHAY)

Dear Tod, Thank you for all your great stories and amazing poems. I really liked them a lot. You made us all laugh!

– Malachi, age 7.

Dear Tod, Don’t pass the notes when the teacher is looking.

– Anna, age 7.

Sharks can’t talk.

– 9 year old girl, Malin, Oregon library

Further references Available Upon Request

Eugene, Oregon, USA

Cell:  541-543-1774

Safe School Design, LLC


Professional Summary

 Over the past 37 years I’ve developed broad expertise in Crime Prevention, emphasizing two areas:

(1) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and (2) Personal Safety.

Concentrated professional niches within those fields have included school safety, outreach, social service agencies, home visitations and homeless shelters. Much of my work has included extensive research and writing. I have recently expanded into Expert Witness work as well.

I served for 28 years with the Eugene, Oregon Police Department as a Crime Prevention Specialist, and an overlapping 24 years as a school safety consultant, emphasizing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). I’ve conducted over 120 public school inspections nationwide, including schools in Tennessee, Colorado, Florida and Oregon that had survived shootings. My services were provided under the auspices of the Eugene Police Department, the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, as an independent consultant (Safe School Design LLC), and as an Adjunct Analyst with Safe Havens International (SHI). I retired from EPD in 2015, but continue to inspect schools nationwide.

An additional career thread over the years from 1983 to the present included serving as a volunteer, educator, crisis counselor, board member and agency director in social service agencies, tackling alcoholism, addiction, mental illness, homelessness, and domestic violence, and serving diverse groups including refugees, the Latino community and veterans. Recent examples include a one-year special assignment with the City Manager’s Office as a Veterans Homelessness Analyst, (successfully advocating for and housing over 365 veterans in 2015) and a year as an interim agency director for an innovative homeless shelter program from 2020 to 2022 serving over 140 individuals.

I have extensive formal research and writing experience, including as the senior author of Safe School Design; A Handbook for Educational Leaders—Applying the Principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (2000), and as a contributing chapter author for Extreme Violence; Understanding and Protecting People From Active Assailants, Hate Crimes and Terrorist Attacks (2021). I’ve also written dozens of grants, and published dozens of school safety related articles, as well as qualitative field research papers on natural disaster survivors in Haiti and Syrian diaspora refugees in Greece. Safe School Design was the first textbook to be published in the U.S. that applied Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) exclusively to schools. My extensive template on crisis planning for people with special needs, produced for Broward County, led to a series of articles on Creating Emergency Plans for Students with Disabilities, published by Campus Safety Magazine in 2019.

(A more extensive listing of my publications can be found on page 12.)


 Expert Witness, Franke, Schultz & Mullen Attorneys, Kansas City, Missouri. Relevant topics included: Premise Liability, Weapons, Homicide, Crime Prevention, Eviction, Search and Seizure, Social Services, and Mental Health care.

Safety Consultant, 1990 to present.

I have provided consulting, research, writing, presentations and training services addressing:

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (C.P.T.E.D.), and Safe, Healthy and Positive Environmental Design (S.H.A.P.E.D.) for Social Services, Shelters, Schools, Parks and other Public Spaces, and

Confrontation Management and Personal safety for:

Government, Commercial, School and Office settings

Home Visitors (including outreach, teachers, medical staff, utility, and social workers)

Public Spaces (including streets, parks and bike paths)

Social services (including shelters and mental health agencies)

(An extensive listing of presentations and groups served can be found on pages 8-12)

 Homelessness Consulting 2020-present

Drawing on our success building and operating Community Supported Shelters (, I have advised advocates, community members and government representatives on responding constructively to homelessness, throughout the U.S. and beyond. This has included an eclectic array of advocates, governmental officials, and active groups over the past two years, including:

  • Chum group, Duluth, Minnesota
  • Church of the Park, Salem, Oregon
  • Kalamazoo, Michigan
  • Kansas City, Kansas
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • Bellingham, Washington
  • We Shine, Portland, Oregon
  • Orcas Island social workers, Washington State
  • Coalition for Rural Housing Insecurity, Forest Grove, Oregon
  • Sacramento, California
  • Oakey Faith and Culture, Brisbane, Australia

 Homelessness Advocacy 2015-present

Since its inception, I have served Community Supported Shelters in a handful of roles at different times, including as a Board Member, Executive Director, Grant Writer, Advocate and Consultant. In the fall of 2020, I was recruited to simultaneously serve as grant writer and interim Executive Director. While playing both roles I landed over $1 million in government contracts, along with $150,000 in grants, empowering us to build and staff 5 new Safe Spot communities in 5 months. This project doubled our budget, tripled our employee base, and currently shelters over 120 people.

Refugee Advocate, 2016 to present. (Volunteer)

I’ve served as an advocate, ambassador, host and friend for Afghani, Syrian and Central American refugees upon their arrival in the United States, assisting with cultural adaptation and guiding them through the asylum process. I helped establish the Oregon Community Asylum Network in 2016.

Safe, Healthy and Positive Schools Consultant, 1998 to present.

I’ve offered school safety consulting for over 24 years, initially integrated into my police department prevention work as well as independently. Increasingly I have worked on major projects with Safe Havens International, inspecting and advising some of the largest school districts in the country. Some of the schools served had recently undergone traumatic shooting incidents, in Tennessee, Colorado, Florida and Oregon. The core of my approach is built on basic and advanced concepts of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)—natural surveillance, natural access control, territoriality, and connectivity.

Resident storyteller, 1998 to 2018. (Volunteer)

I ran an interactive storytelling workshop for 2nd-3rd graders that wove safe, healthy, and positive life tips into storytelling, at the Family School, a public K-8 school in Eugene, Oregon.

Veterans Homelessness Analyst, City Manager’s Office, Eugene, Oregon 10/2014 to 12/2015.

Selected for this special, limited duration assignment, I coordinated city, county, federal, public, and private resources to end homelessness for veterans in our area by the end of 2015. As Operation 365, we aimed to house 365 veterans in one year, and succeeded in housing 404 men and women.

 International researcher, 2015 to 2017

As a Senior Research Partner with InterSCT (Interprofessional Studio for Complexity Thinking), I visited various Haitian institutions, including schools, an orphanage, and a nursing home, and conducted qualitative research on-site. Our research results were published as Starting From Zero: An Exploration of Contemporary Issues in Haiti in the Spring of 2017.

The following year, we flew to Athens, Greece, where we worked with Lifting Hands International to document the plight of Syrian refugees. Our joint research paper, A Conversation with Calamity; Shedding light on the plight of Syrian refugees, was published in the Spring, 2016.

InterSCT is a human-centered, inquiry-based, multi-dimensional research partnership.

Community Service Officer/ Crime Prevention Specialist, Eugene Police Department, 1986 to 2014. Commendations for Leadership in Diversity and Safe Schools projects.

Violence prevention instructor. Chavez Elementary, Patterson Family School, Academy of Arts and Technology, River Road Elementary, Pearl Buck Pre-school. Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum instructor, singer, songwriter, performer. (2003-2014)

Prevention Specialist/ Field Training Officer. Extensive lecturing on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, violence theory and hope building, confrontation management, school safety, community revitalization, urban growth and public safety, workplace violence, women’s safety, seniors, child safety, robbery, burglary, shoplifting and related topics. I often provided related staff training.

Consultant, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Surveyed public and private facilities, including businesses, civic buildings and public spaces. Coordinated and instructed in various settings and conferences, including Safe Communities conference and ICA conference (ongoing). Surveyed all schools in three Oregon districts under a federal Safe Schools grant

Training coordinator and lead instructor, SWIT (School Whatever It Takes) Academy. This model 7-week boot camp was created under a federal Safe Schools grant, to train school-based crime prevention specialists in working with high-risk children. (2000)

Housing Project prevention coordinator. Funded by HUD to provide prevention services to subsidized housing complexes, I established and ran the Saturday Great Kids Club. Mentoring, problem solving, role modeling. (1999)

Founder/editor, Community Safety Quarterly. C.S.Q. provided in-depth articles on community policing and underlying social issues. (1987-1992)

Coordinator, helping to establish the Whiteaker Public Safety Station, Eugene’s first neighborhood-based sub-station. (1990-1991)

Research, analysis, writing, editing and design work on a variety of public information and in-house projects.

Adjunct Professor / Guest Lecturer, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon: Progressive Crime Prevention, Roots of Violence, Seeds of Hope,  Substance Abuse Program, University of Oregon.2002 -2003.

Writing Counselor, University of Oregon Learning Center (1981-1982)

Communication Specialist, (1985 – 1987)

Central Lane Communications (9-1-1) Call-taker. Police, fire and medical emergencies.

Community Educator, Lane County Council on Alcoholism, Eugene. (1983 – 1985) Lecturing and writing; alcoholism and other substance abuse related topics.

Agency Director, White Bird Clinic, Eugene. (1980 – 1982). Coordinating social service agency, providing crisis intervention, counseling, medical, legal, information and referral.

Crisis Counselor, White Bird Clinic, Eugene (1976 – 1979) Over the course of a few years I worked my way up from volunteering to serving as a salaried crisis worker. This involved mobile crisis response services on the streets or in people’s homes. This evolved over the years. Ultimately, a partnership was launched with the City of Eugene in 1989 that has become a national model: Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets (CAHOOTS) .

Board of Directors, International CPTED Association 2000-2002.

Board of Directors, Womenspace domestic violence agency 2002-2010.

Board of Directors, Halfway House Services, mental health facility 2000-2015.

Board of Directors, Community Supported Shelters 2015-2018

Chair, Child and Family Violence subcommittee, Lane County Domestic Violence Council, 2004-2010.

School, school architects, and other education-related groups served included:

  • Alsea school district (OR)
  • 4j Schools (OR)
  • Arizona Juvenile Justice Association (AZ)
  • Arizona State University Design School (AZ)
  • Atlanta Public Schools (GA)
  • Bend LaPine School District (OR)
  • Bethel School District (OR)
  • Broward County Schools, with Safe Havens International (FL)
  • California Department of Education (CA)
  • Campbell County HS (TN)
  • College Planning and Management (MD)
  • Confederation of School Administrators (OR)
  • Fielding Nair International (MN)
  • Fulton County Public Schools (GA)
  • Hamilton-Fish Institute (DC)

High Desert Educational Service District (OR)

  • Hillsborough School District (FL)
  • Indianapolis Schools (IN)
  • Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior (OR)
  • Jackson State University (MS)
  • La Reference school (Haiti)
  • Lane County Criminal Justice Training Alliance (OR)
  • Lane County Domestic Violence Council (OR)
  • Lane Educational Service District (OR)
  • Linn Benton Lincoln ESD (OR)
  • Littleton Schools (CO)
  • Men nan Men school (Haiti)
  • National Center for Safer Schools
  • National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (DC)
  • North Thurston Schools (WA)
  • Northwest Regional Education Labs (OR)
  • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
  • Orange County School District (FL)
  • Oregon Department of Education (OR)
  • Orlando schools (FL)
  • Pasco schools (WA)
  • Safe Havens International (GA)
  • School Planning and Management (MD)
  • Springfield Schools (OR)
  • U.S. Department of Education (DC)

 Non-school related groups included:

  • American Institute of Architects (OR)
  • Crime Prevention Association of Oregon (OR)
  • Department of Homeland Security (DC)
  • Department of Justice (OR)
  • Eugene Police Dept. (OR)
  • Halfway House Services (OR)
  • International Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Association (ICA)
  • Kansas Advisory Group (KS)
  • Koch Crime Institute (KS)
  • Oregon Recreation and Parks Assoc. (OR)
  • Oregon Employers’ Council (OR)
  • Performance Institute (VA)
  • Professional Development Network (OR)
  • Tahoe Coalition of Recreation Providers (CA)
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DC)
  • U.S. Forest Service (OR)
  • University of Oregon (OR)
  • Vanir Construction Management, (CA)
  • Western Community Policing Institute (OR)

More detailed documentation on projects, presentations and consultations:

 Expert Witness, Franke, Schultz & Mullen, Kansas City, (MO), Cummins v. ReDiscover et al. May 2022 to present. Civil action, homicide.

High Desert School District, Bend/Redmond, OR. CPTED consultation/inspections for Administrative and SPED facility. August 22-25, 2022.

Winston High School, Winston-Dillard School District (OR) CPTED consultation on mural placement. July 2022.

Cascade Health (OR) — Home visit safety consult. July 2022.

Community Supported Shelters Five-site expansion. This tripled our capacity for sheltering the homeless, with 137 Conestoga Huts built in our Safe Spot communities throughout the city. Eugene, OR 2020-2022

Halfway House security assessment. Under contract with Lane County, HHS shelters people dealing with chronic mental illness who have been released from the state mental hospital. Security measures were needed to deter ex-residents and other intruders from taking advantage of the facilities. Eugene, OR 2021

Adjunct Analyst, examining all aspects of school safety.  Fulton County Public Schools, GA., with Safe Havens International, 2019

Adjunct Analyst, Atlanta Public Schools, GA., with Safe Havens International, 2019

Adjunct Analyst, Pasco, Washington, with Safe Havens International 2/4/19-3/16/19

Adjunct Analyst, North Thurston schools, with Safe Havens International, Lacey, Washington. 3/25/ 2019.

Security consultation, Mt. Pisgah/Buford Park staff. Mt. Pisgah is a key conservation and wilderness area that sponsors major gatherings throughout the year. Training focused on prevention, staff safety and crisis response protocols throughout the site. Lane County, OR 2018

School risk scenario interviews and youth focus groups. Working with Safe Havens International, we served hundreds of schools in the 6th largest school district in the nation. Broward County, FL  2018.

Men Nan Men site visit, post-earthquake surveying, on developing a health sciences campus, with InterSCT consulting and Foundation for Peace. Port au Prince, Haiti 9/2015.

Veterans Homelessness Analyst. Facilitating housing searches for over 400 veterans in Lane County OR 10/2014 to 12/2015

Post-Incident Review Arapahoe High School Active-Shooter, , team member with Safe Havens International. Littleton, CO 2014-2015

Workplace Violence, Oregon Department of Human Services, Eugene, OR 10/14/2015-10/15/2015

Storytelling and Connectivity presentation, Oregon School Psychologists Association. Medford OR 10/8/2015

CPTED, Construction Specifications Institute. Eugene, OR 09/27/2015

Thesis Jury Consultant, on Bullying and Design, Arizona State University Design School, Phoenix, AZ 5/2015

Confrontation Management for Mental Health Group Homes, Halfway House Services. Short staffing left overnight staff particularly vulnerable and in need of safety training. Eugene, OR 5/2015

Workplace safety seminar. Staff requested training for dealing with distraught family members. Willamette Valley Cancer Institute. Eugene, OR 10/2014

Comprehensive School Inspection projects, in conjunction with Safe Havens International. Orlando, Fl 3/2014, Bend LaPine schools 9/2014

School Safety presentation, Indiana Department of Education, IN May 5, 2014

Security consulting, Oregon Ice Cream Co., Eugene, OR 06/17/2014

Security consulting, Mountain Rose Herbs, Eugene, Or 2/25/2014

Keynote speech, Personal Safety, Northwest Credit Unions Association. Springfield, OR 1/16/2014

Confrontation Management, Lane County employees. Staff requested training on dealing with difficult people. Eugene, OR 1/23/2014

Security Consultation, Willamette Family Treatment Services (WFTS). WFTS is a 24/7 primary detox facility that regularly works with people who are intoxicated or in various stages of withdrawal. Eugene, OR 2014

CPTED consult, (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design), Eugene Hearing and Speech. EHS was concerned about staff safety in general. Eugene, OR 1/7/2014

Confrontation Management, Head Start. Staff were concerned about dysfunctional family issues, including custody disputes, that would spill over at the facility. Eugene, OR 2013

CPTED consult, MLK Education Center, Serbu Juvenile Justice Center. Serbu is the main Juvenile Justice secure facility in Lane County. Eugene, OR 2013

Personal Safety, US Bank, Eugene, OR 2013

CPTED consult, Bethel school district, OR 2013

Confrontation Management Training. Staff requested training on personal safety while traveling to and from work, as well as throughout the workday. Trillium Healthcare, Eugene, OR 1/18/13

Workplace violence strategies presentation, American Society of Safety Engineers, Springfield, OR 01/15/13

CPTED consult. Preventive consult on safe design considerations for storefronts. Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) Springfield, OR 01/15/13

School CPTED consult, Life Lutheran Elementary School, Eugene, OR 01/19/13

Security consult, Lane County Historical Museum, Eugene, OR 01/03/13

Confrontation Management, Balzhiser Engineering, Eugene, OR 11/07/12

Confrontation Management, Serenity Lane, Eugene, OR 2/24/11 and  10/23/12

Personal Safety,  Children with Disabilities, Springfield, OR 10/24/12

Confrontation Management, Dept. Human Services, Springfield, OR 09/11/12

Confrontation Management, Lane Co. Public Health, Eugene, OR 08/30/12

Park Safety consult. Park workers requested guidance on handling encounters with homeless people sleeping on the riverbanks and throughout the parks. Eugene, OR 08/23/12

Confrontation Management. Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) workers requested guidance on safety measures for meter readers. Eugene, OR 08/07/12

CPTED consult. Input was requested on landscaping decisions, balancing personal safety with environmental considerations. Whilamut Nature Reserve, Eugene, OR 07/06/12

Confrontation Management, Medical Office Assistants Assoc., Eugene, OR 06/21/12

Confrontation Management for utility workers. Staff often found themselves in isolated locations without co-workers nearby for assistance. Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB). Leaburg, OR 06/20/12

Confrontation Management, ISTE, Eugene, OR 06/08/12

Confrontation Management, Legal Aid, Eugene, OR 04/11/12

CPTED consult, Blood bank, Eugene, OR 04/03/12

Confrontation Management, Halfway House Services (HHS), Eugene, OR 03/22/12

CPTED review, UO Architecture program, Eugene, OR 03/16/12

CPTED consult, focused on staff and client safety in Sheltercare, a family shelter program. Springfield, OR 02/29/12

School safety, Montessori, Eugene, OR 02/28/12

School safety, NW Youth Corps, Eugene, OR 02/22/12

Security consult. Heightened security was desired after anti-semitic attacks on the site. Temple Beth Israel, Eugene, OR 02/23/12

Internet safety. Families were alarmed about internet safety risks. St. Paul’s Catholic School. Eugene, OR 02/02/12

West University neighborhood project/SafeCascadia group, Eugene, OR 2012

School Design presentation, NSSEA Conference, San Antonio, TX 2011

Holladay Park inspection. Portland city officials requested a CPTED inspection to address street confrontations and crime near a major mass transit station. Portland, OR 07/22/ 2011-10/27/2011

School CPTED inspections, Linn-Benton-Lincoln County Educational Service District 2009-2011.

Confrontation Management, Oregon Affordable Housing Management Association, May 25, 2010

Next-Generation School Safety, International Conference on Safe Schools Design,, International School Safety Convention,  Johnson and Wales University/ Denver, CO. April 21-23, 2010.

/Confrontation Management and Personal Safety, Lane County Human Resources, OR March 29, 2010

New School Security Technology and Mass Notification for Universities briefing papers, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, (quarterly updates, 2008 to 2010) Washington, DC.

Confrontation Management for Parks Workers, ORPA. Eugene, OR 01/30/2008

Confrontation Management for Parks Workers, Eugene Public Works, Eugene, OR 03/05/2008

Personal Safety, SAIF. Eugene, OR 05/21/09

Personal Safety, Pacific Continental Bank. Eugene, OR 06/09/09

CPTED, Trainsong Park Neighborhood, Health Policy Research NW, Eugene, OR 2009

Personal Safety for Medical workers, Cascade Health Solutions OR 2009, 2018

Women’s Safety, Women in Construction, Eugene, OR 03/05/2008

Confrontation Management for Landlords, Eugene, OR 03/20/2008

CPTED analysis, Eugene Hearing and Speech Center, Eugene, OR 03/04/2008

CPTED consult. Staff were concerned about safety for students while working in the wilderness. Northwest Youth Corps. Eugene, OR 02/21/08

Child abuse disclosure trainer, Head Start, Eugene, OR 02/12/08

Security coordination, Project Homeless Connect, OR 02/07/2008

Writer, New School Security Technology, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, Washington, DC 2/2008.

School Safety and Security Workshops, School Planning and Management and College Planning and Management magazines, Baltimore, MD 11/2007

Workplace violence, SAIF, Eugene, OR 11/15/2007

Hamilton Fish Annual Meeting, School Safety, Washington, D.C. 10/30/2007

Intensive School CPTED training, Indianapolis, IN 10/17/2007

Confrontation Management for medical facilities. Staff were concerned about agitated clients seeking opiates. Pain Management Associates. Eugene, OR 10/03/07

Confrontation Management, National Association of Housing Officials, Eugene, OR 09/19/2007

Confrontation Management, Eugene Parks Maintenance. Eugene, OR 08/29/2007

Consultant, Community Summit on School to Jail Pipeline, OJJDP/ Hamilton Fish Institute. New Orleans, LA 08/07/2007

Editor, School Safety and Technology Guide, Northwest Regional Education labs, Portland, OR 2007

School Crisis Response Trainer, Safe and Drug Free Schools national conference for annual grant recipients. San Antonio, TX 2007

Confrontation Management, Valley West Nursing Home 06/08/2007

Park safety and Pedophiles. Related training was requested by park staff. Eugene, OR 06/06/2007

Confrontation Management, Employers’ Council of Oregon. Eugene, OR 05/09/2007

CPTED analysis, SERBU juvenile corrections facility. Eugene, OR 05/03/2007

CPTED, Crime Prevention Association of Oregon. Newport, OR 04/24/2007

Realtor Safety, Windemere Realtors. Eugene, OR 04/13/2007

Confrontations Management for outreach workers, Options state conference, Salem, OR 03/09/2007.

Confrontation Management, Oregon State Employment Division. Eugene, OR 02/15/2007

Security coordination, Project Homeless Connect. Eugene, OR 02/08/2007

1999-2006 projects:

Comprehensive week-long CPTED boot camp, Hillsborough County School District police, Tampa, FL 08/11/2006

Consultant to Department of Homeland Security & U.S. Department of Education Safe and Drug Free Schools, peer review of Vulnerability/Needs Assessment ( ViSAT) School Safety Assessment tool, Washington, D.C. 10/31/2006

Consultant and Editor, Safe School Facilities Checklist project, for National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, National Institute of Buildings, Washington, D.C.

CPTED inspection, Alsea 7J School district, OR

CPTED inspection, Campbell County High, TN Conducted assessment for National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. CPTED and management weaknesses contributed to a fatal school shooting. 2006.

CPTED inspection, Lane School, OR

Editor, “Witnessing Violence” lesson card, Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum, Lane County Domestic Violence Council, OR

Editor, Teacher’s Guide to Reporting Child Abuse, Lane County Domestic Violence Council, OR.

Presenter, CPTED fundamentals, Vanir CM, Universal City, CA

Presenter, Oregon Employers’ Council, Confrontation Management and Motivational Communication seminars, OR

Presenter, Performance Institute Safe Schools Summit, Arlington, VA.

Confrontation Management, Association of Oregon Counties.

Contributing writer, School Administrator magazine. May 2005

Contributing author, Safe and Healthy Schools, (Oxford Press) Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 2003

Keynote Speaker: Building Hope. Tools for Advocacy Conference. Eugene, OR

Cross-cultural and Special Needs Briefing Book, Eugene Police Department, Eugene, OR

Bike Path Design, Lake Tahoe Bicycle Trail Symposium, CA 10/20/1999-10/21/1999


Schneider, T. Third Generation CPTED in Homeless Communities, International Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (ICA) Newsletter. May-August 2022.

Schneider, T., R. Leslie Nichols CPP, and Phuong Nguyen. Contributing Chapter Co-Author, Chapter 4; Vulnerabilities of Critical Infrastructure; Extreme Violence – Understanding and Protecting People from Active Assailant, Hate Crimes and Terrorist Attacks. 494-page university textbook and guide for practitioners. Cognella, January 2021

Schneider, T. Next Level Crisis Planning for Students with Disabilities, Part 3 of 3. Campus Safety Magazine, December 18, 2019.

Schneider, T. Conducting Site Assessments for Students with Disabilities, part 2 of 3. Campus Safety Magazine, December 16, 2019.

Schneider, T. Creating Emergency Plans for Students with Disabilities, part 1 of 3. Campus Safety Magazine, October 7, 2019.

Schneider, T., Shraiky, J., Patchin, W. Starting From Zero: An Exploration of Contemporary Issues in Haiti, Journal of Health and Human Experience Spring 2017 (Vol 3 No 1).

Schneider, T., U.S. turning its back on desperate refugees, The Register-Guard, April 12, 2017.

Schneider, T., Temporary shelter program has been a success, The Register-Guard, August 31, 2016

Shraiky, J., Wofford, D. and Schneider, T., Conversations with Calamity, Shedding Light on the Plight of Syrian Refugees, Journal of Health and the Human Experience, Spring 2016 (Vol 2 # 1)

Schneider, T. School shootings defy simple solutions. Register Guard newspaper guest commentary November 14, 2015

Schneider T. Safe School Design blog, 2013 – 2019.

Schneider T. Security Camera tips, Safe Havens International newsletter 2015.

Schneider T. 8-Point School Inspection Checklist, Campus Safety Magazine, January 15, 2013.

Schneider T. Self-inspections for Schools, Campus Safety newsletter, January 2013.

Schneider T. Mass Notification for Universities. 2008 – present (quarterly updates). Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities.

Schneider T. New School Security Technologies. . Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. 2008 – present (quarterly updates)

Schneider T. Safe School Design and Security Technology; Web-based Technical Assistance Guide. Portland, Oregon: National Resource Center for Safe Schools. 2003.

Schneider T. Safe School Design and Security Technology; Web-based Technical Assistance Guide.. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University. 2008

Schneider T. Safe School Facilities Checklist, Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. 2007.

Schneider T. Creating Safer School Facilities, Virginia: State Education Standard, the Journal of the National Association of State Boards of Education (pp. 17-23). 07/2006

Schneider T. Transcending Violence. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford Press. 2002.

Schneider T. Community Safety Quarterly, Eugene, OR: City of Eugene. 1987-1993.

Schneider T. Violence and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Frumkin H, Geller R, Rubin IL, Nodvin J. Safe and Healthy Schools, N.Y.: Oxford Press (pp. 251-269). 2006.

Schneider, T. Essential Questions to Raise During a Building Project. The School Administrator, AASA’s monthly magazine for school system leaders. May 2005.

Schneider T. ERIC Digest: School Security Technology. OR: ERIC Clearinghouse. 2001

Schneider T., Walker H., Sprague J. Safe School Design. OR: ERIC Clearinghouse.  2000.

Schneider T., Bike Path Phobia. Seattle, WA: Parks and Recreation Magazine (pp. 20-28) August 2000.

Schneider T., Bike Path Phobia.. Landahl M, ed. Om CPTED, Belysning och Brottsforebyggande I Parkmilio. Stockholm, Sweden: Crimiknowledge Forlag.  February 2000


M.S., Journalism, University of Oregon, Honors society, 1982-83

B.S., Community Service and Public Affairs, University of Oregon, 1976-81

Workshops and Continuing Education

Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents. FEMA is360. On-line course. September 2022.

International CPTED Association (ICA) Webinar: CPTED Guidebook for Schools. August 18, 2002.

Ethics for Health and Mental Health Care Workers, Pacific Source webinar, Paul Cooney, Attorney at Law, Oregon April 22, 2022

Trauma-Informed Care seminar, Trauma Healing Center, Oregon 2021

Introduction to Motivational Interviewing, Fulop MI Training, Oregon August 24-26, 2016

Law Enforcement Data System Certification, Inquiry Entry Recertification. January 29, 2015.

Active Shooter: What You Can Do. FEMA Emergency Management Institute, on-line Independent Study course IS-00907. January 31, 2014.

Ongoing monthly police training, EPD 1984-2014

Law Enforcement Data System Certification, Inquiry Entry Recertification. January 31, 2013.

Forensic Evidence Collection in child sexual assault cases, State of Oregon 2013

Evidence –based practices in Juvenile Corrections, Ed Latessa 2007

Jewelry and Gem Identification, EPD 2007

Campus Safety Conference, Portland, OR 2007

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, EPD 2007

Adolescent Brain, Michael Nerney 2007

School Security Technology, Selectron 2007

First Aid refresher course, EPD 2007

Framework for Understanding Poverty, Ruby Payne materials, Lane Educational Service District. September 28, October 12, November 2, November 30 , 2006.

SWIS, School-wide Information Systems 2007

Learning Structures. Lane Educational Service District.  Multiple sessions, 2007

Targeting Meth, Building a Vision for a Drug Free Community 2006

Safe Streets Safe Communities ICA Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada 2006

Firearms safety and handling procedures, Eugene Police. April 20, 2005

Video Production, Metro TV 2005

Crucial Confrontations seminar, with Joseph Grenny 2005

PBS Individual, School Improvement, Lane Educational Service District. January 20, 2005

PBS Individual, School Improvement, Lane Educational Service District. October 13, 2004

Sexual Assault Victim Interviewing and Sexual Assault Crime Scene Response, Advanced Training Workshops for Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault Training Institute, Attorney General’s Task Force, Eugene, Oregon. December 10, 2004

CHAMPS Proactive Positive Classroom Management, Lane Educational Service District. November 12, 2004

Non-stranger Sexual Assault Response and Investigation” Law Enforcement Training on Adult and Adolescent Sexual Assault. Attorney General’s Task Force, Eugene, Oregon. December 8, 2004

Individual Student Systems Training/ Functional Assessment, LESD, 2004

Brain-based Learning, Jensen seminars 2004

Arab, Muslim, and Sikh cultural awareness for police 2004

Sexual assault investigation 2004

Probigua, Spanish language immersion school, Antigua, Guatemala August, 2003

Access Control Technology, A.S.I.S., AZ, 2000

International CPTED Association annual conference, 1998

Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum, Train the trainer intensive 1998

Effective Behavior support team workshop 1998

On Killing seminar, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman 1998

Domestic Violence legal update seminar 1998

Rotary sponsored ambassador to States of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, India, 1997

Photoshop training, 1996

National Coalition Building Institute training 1996

Advanced Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design,  National Crime Prevention Institute, Louisville, KY November 3 1995

Mesa Crime Free Multi-housing Program, Certified Instructor Trainer for National Crime Free Multi-Housing Program. Arizona. June 16, 1995.

Community Policing training, 1993-94

Certification of Completion, Community Service Officer, State of Oregon, Oregon State Apprenticeship and Training Council, April 29, 1993

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, w/Tim Crowe, Seattle, July 1, 1994

Spanish language studies, Sinaloa, Mexico, 1991

Supervision seminar, Management Associates 1991

Red Cross training, Introduction to Disaster Services, 1991

Graduate studies, Planning, Public Policy and Management, U.O., 1989

Refugees and the Law, Drugs and Gangs conferences, 1989

Crime Prevention School, BPST, State Police Academy, Monmouth, OR, 1988

Homelessness conference, Eugene, OR, 1988

Fire Prevention Education, National Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, MD, 1988

Western Regional Symposium, Child Abuse and Sexual Assault, 1987

Cross Cultural Communication, Dr. E.J. Nichols, Department of Justice 1987

Communication Specialist training: emergency medical dispatching, Law Enforcement

Data System, Criminal Intelligence, Water Rescue, CPR, Hazardous Materials, 1986

Martial arts, Aikido Zenshinkai, 1982-86

Relational Issues of Addiction conference, San Diego, CA, 1984


Hometown Human Rights Hero, in celebration of the 56th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, City of Eugene Human Rights Program, December 11, 2004

Citizen Recognition Award, “In recognition of the extraordinary progress toward the Eugene City Council goal of “Helping the homeless” through Project Homeless Connect.” Mayor Kitty Piercy, City of Eugene, April 9, 2007.

Class II Commendation, “In recognition of the work, initiative and foresight you put into designing a seven-week academy for the six Crime Prevention Specialists hired through the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grant.” Captain Thad Buchanan, Eugene Police Department. 2000.

Community Leadership Award, “With sincere appreciation for your dedicated commitment to the empowerment of the Latino community in Lane County.” Juan Carlos Valle, Centro Latino Americano. August 14, 2010

Certificate of Appreciation, “In recognition of his valuable contribution to the City of Eugene and community as a member of the Crime Prevention Unit.” Mayor Kitty Piercy. January 9, 2013.

International CPTED Association, member #187


Tod Schneider is one of the nation’s most knowledgeable experts in the field of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design for the school setting. I have had the great fortune to work on several projects with Tod and feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from this true master. Tod is also an excellent presenter who has a heart of gold, he is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met and a true gift to the field of school safety.

– Michael Dorn, Executive Director, Safe Havens International

I’ve worked with Tod Schneider on school safety issues for over a decade and regard him as the best school safety expert in the United States. His depth of experience, accessibility, reliability, and easy-going manner make working with him productive and fun. He is also author of the most comprehensive publications on school building safety technology extant today (see I recommend no one more highly than Tod.

– William A. Brenner, FAIA Former director, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, and Vice President, National Institute of Building Sciences

There are no dinosaurs. A meteor hit the earth and made a hole and they all fell in.

– 8 year old girl, Klamath Falls library

I have now had the opportunity to work with Tod Schneider on two separate projects involving dozens of schools in four counties in western Oregon over a period of years. His school safety assessment work has been of great value to our schools. He takes the time to understand each school environment and works closely with the building administrator. The reports that Tod produces are equally pragmatic and creative, very user-friendly, and consistently helpful in supporting schools as they take steps in becoming even safer places for children.

– Kathryn A. Henderson, Project Manager, Linn County Safe Schools Project, Linn Benton Lincoln ESD

Dear Tod, I love you and your stories. I am so happy that you are here.

– Elowyn, age 7

When it comes to Confrontation Management training, Tod’s trainings are consistently informative and entertaining; we keep bringing him back for repeat staff trainings. I recommend him without reservation!

– Chuck Hauk, Housing Director, Housing And Community Services Agency of Lane County (HACSA)

Our work centers on assessing community conditions, and empowering neighbors to advocate for healthy spaces for youth and their families. Tod worked with us on a two-year project in an underserved area in Eugene, OR. The project featured a special emphasis on the park and other public spaces in the neighborhood. Tod’s ability to incorporate crime prevention and public safety best practice with residents’ feedback, concerns and desires for improvement was exceptional, and resulted in moving the project forward on time, achieving excellent results.

– Laurie Trieger, Executive Director, Lane Coalition for Healthy Active Youth (LCHAY)

Dear Tod, Thank you for all your great stories and amazing poems. I really liked them a lot. You made us all laugh!

– Malachi, age 7.

Dear Tod, Don’t pass the notes when the teacher is looking.

– Anna, age 7.

Sharks can’t talk.

– 9 year old girl, Malin, Oregon library

Further references Available Upon Request